Flüchtlingshilfe – soziale Bewegung oder karitative Hilfe?

Die Flüchtlingshilfe vor dem Berliner Lageso und der Münchner Bayernkaserne lösen manche Probleme, die die Behörden überfordern. Wie professionell kann vermeintlich provisorisches Engagement sein? Continue reading Flüchtlingshilfe – soziale Bewegung oder karitative Hilfe?


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The Fall of Kundus

The Taliban capture of Kundus, Afghanistan’s main transportation hub in the North and the first major city controlled by the Taliban since 2001, is a major setback for government forces. Just how dire is the situation? Continue reading The Fall of Kundus


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Aufstand der Aufrechten?

Zum ersten Mal seit langem schreibe ich hier wieder auf Deutsch. Auch, weil viele von denen, die diesen Text lesen sollten, kaum Englisch verstehen (und nein, ich spreche weder von Oettinger noch von Westerwelle). Continue reading Aufstand der Aufrechten?


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Strong Tsipras, Weak Greece

The outcome of the Greek referendum seems like a paradox: Voting against austerity measures lead to yet more extensive austerity measures. That is mainly due to Greece not only being in an economic and international crisis, but also in a political, domestic crisis that Tsipras was tackling. Continue reading Strong Tsipras, Weak Greece


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What kind of Europe do we want?

Not surprisingly, the EU courts have decided that national law may determine who gets welfare, rather than EU law, at least when it comes to foreign EU nationals. A sad, yet reasonable decision. Continue reading What kind of Europe do we want?


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